Friday, June 25, 2021

Housing prices

Although the Zillow estimate on housing value might not be perfect, it is a pretty good judge of which way the market is going.
The housing prices in Salt Lake City have gone through the roof. The house that I paid $130,000 back in 1999 is now estimated to be worth $647,000. I sold it for a fraction of that.
Indiana is not as bad, but it seems recently that prices have taken off. The home I purchased less than 3 years ago is up by 25% from what I paid. My previous home in New Whiteland that I paid $120,000 for six years ago is now estimated to be worth $220,000.
The key point is that I could not afford to move if I wanted to. I would have to sell my home first or make my next purchase contingent on selling my home first.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

CRYPTO CRASH. I'M DONE (as a millionaire)

The first seven minutes give a pretty good reason why as to why cryptocurrency might be a bad idea.  The rest is just technical analysis.

Bitcoin has no value other than the willingness of other people to buy it or accept it as payment.  This is called the "bigger fool" theory, where you hope that there is a bigger fool than you out there.

I could have bought bitcoin at $5, $50, and $5,000.  I could have made a fortune.   During an inflationary period, some assets will increase in value.  Someday Bitcoin could be worth a million dollars.  However, the moment that people decide that they don't want it, it could lose all its value.  Likewise, the government could regulate it out of existence.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Monday, January 25, 2021

Why mainstream media's slander of wall street bets pisses me off regarding GME.

This is interesting.

I think that Gamestop will eventually go out of business.  There is a very strong trend toward buying or renting videogames off of the internet.  Retail sales of games can't last more than a couple of years.   Video is headed in the same direction.

Games were distributed on media because that was the only practical way to transfer large data.  Storage of the data was also an issue if you had a bunch of games.  These are no longer limitations.